Browsing: video games

Will you triumph at the head of the Allied Forces? Or will you unite the world under tyranny, for the glory of the Reich, the japanese Emperor or the idea of a New Rome? Strategy fans and Axis and Allies afficionados could scratch that grand strategy itch with the upcoming Axis and Allies Online, developped and published by Beamdog.

Who said that 4X games were dead? Seven years after supervising the finishing touches to Civilization V as the lead designer for , Jon Shafer is back into the fray with his own game, At the Gates, a title that both respects and transforms the codes of the 4X genre.

Il y a eu le livre, puis le jeu: le retour sur Metro 2033, oeuvre de science-fiction russe quelque peu déjantée, ne serait pas complet sans jeter un coup d’oeil au jeu de tir à la première personne du même nom, sorti en 2010, soit au même moment où le roman de Dmitry Glukhovsky paraissait en langue française.

The scent of spices on a cold night in the desert. The faint light of torches, far away. And between two houses, a shadowy figure: our hero, who will need all of his wit – and probably his wip, to triumph against the forces of Evil. Welcome to the City of Brass.

There is something to be said about great game design. A good game will keep you entertained for a few hours. Maybe more if it’s quite interesting. A great game will keep you coming back for nearly ten years. Fortunately, Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance is a great game. And a decade after it came out, it’s still one of the best of the genre, if not the best.